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Outcome Framework Feedback Portal

Proposed Change to existing definition

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Automotive Design audience update

Feedback from Rohit Auluck RA for the INDUSTRY_SEGMENT we are transitioning to refering to the Industry as 'Mobility & Transportation' away from AT&S. RA Wondering if the AUDIENCE and AUDIENCE_ROLE in this case need to be swapped around if...
Guest 10 months ago in Proposed Change to existing definition 0

Suggestion to modify copy that reads "improve design quality" to "improve design process"

Our architecture audience sees our products as tools that improve their process, not as tools that improve their creativity. They consistently say they do not design using our tools, but that they use our tools to improve the PROCESS of design. We...
Guest 7 months ago in Proposed Change to existing definition 0

M&E User Testing Feedback

User Testing data: Review with Myriam Value Drivers: Technical Competence - Questions came back around whether we provide tips and tricks + counselling, which is...
Paul Markovits about 2 years ago in Proposed Change to existing definition 0 Planned

Owner Industry

Imaginit and Customer Testing (Government of Australia). In both cases they didn't understand or didn't even pick their own industry. Testing sprint week of late March and early April.
Alyssa Schear over 2 years ago in Proposed Change to existing definition 1 Already exists